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God Drew The Plans

We all know that 4,000 years ago, on the grand summit of Mt. Sinai, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. But most people don't know that at the same time, the Lord gave Moses the blueprints for one of the most mysterious structures ever built - the sanctuary. It must have been important, because the Israelites could not enter the Promised Land until it was completed. This unique portable temple represented God's dwelling place among His people, and its services showed the nation of freed slaves a three-dimensional panorama of the plan of salvation. A careful look into the secrets of the sanctuary will crystallize your understanding of how Jesus saves the lost and leads the church. The sanctuary is also a key to understand several prophecies. This awesome Study Guide lets you explore the sanctuary and discover its hidden meanings. An exciting adventure awaits you!

          1234 East 87th Street

           Brooklyn, N.Y, 11236

(718) 619-8939


Sabbath School 9:15am

Divine Service: 11:00am

Bible Class: 4:00pm

Adventist Youth: 5:30pm

Prayer Meeting: Wed - 7:30pm

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