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Loafs & Quiches - Tofu Loaf, Creamy White Gravy, Vegetable Nut Loaf, Spinach Quiche, Pie Crust

Tofu Loaf


2 cups Onions chopped

2 Tbs. Olive Oil

4 Tbs. Water

8 cups Firm Tofu crumbled

6 cups Bread Crumbs

1/2 cup Soy Milk

1 1/2 cups Walnuts chopped

1 tsp Salt

1 tsp Garlic Powder

2 Tbs. Onion Powder

1/4 cup Chicken Style Seasoning

1 Tbs. Yeast Flakes

1/4 cup Soy Sauce


Saute the onions in the oil and water. Rinse, drain, crumble and measure the tofu. Put the tofu into a bowl. Add the onions and remaining ingredients. Stir together well. Pack the mixture into an oiled baking dish and bake at 350ËšF for 30-45 minutes. Serve with gravy. May also be made into meat balls using an ice cream scoop.





Creamy White Gravy


3 cups hot water

1 cup raw cashews rinsed

4 T cornstarch

4 T vegetable oil

2 T liquid aminos

4 tsp onion powder

2 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp salt


In a blender blend all the ingredients until smooth. Pour into a sauce pan, rinse the blender out with another cup of water and add that into the sauce pan as well. Add the bacon bits, and cook over medium heat till thick. Watch and stir is constantly.



Vegetable Nut Loaf



2 Tb. vegetable oil

1 minced onion

1 carrot shredded


4 cup cooked rice or millet

3 cups of bread crumbs

2 cups pecan or nut meal

3/4 cup chopped nuts of choice

1/2 cup ground sunflower seeds

1 Tb. onion powder

1 tsp garlic powder

2 tsp salt

1/4 cup minced parsley

1/4 cup yeast flakes

2 tsp basil

1/2 tsp cumin

1 1/2 cups soymilk

1 1/2 cups tomato sauce or juice

Saute the first three ingredients together till the onions are clear. Place all the ingredients together into a bowl and mix well. Dump the mixture into a casserole dish and bake covered for 40 minutes and then un-covered for another 15-20 minutes.




Spinach Quiche



2 carton of firm tofu

3 containers of soy cream cheese

1 cup soy sour cream

1 T lemon juice

3 cups chopped spinach

2 tsp basil

1 Tb. salt

4 Tb. onion powder

2 tsp garlic powder

4 Tb. yeast flakes

4 T egg replacer + 1/2 cup water mixed together


In a bowl crumble up the firm tofu and mix in the spinach and seasonings. In a food processor mix together the cream cheese, sour cream and lemon juice till smooth. Add this to the crumbled tofu mixture and mix well. Add the egg replacer and mix in. Place the filling into a pan with an un-baked pie crust and bake at 350ËšF for 40 minutes.




Pie Crust


1 cup vegetable or coconut oil

2/3 cup water

2 Tb. lecithin


4 cups of wheat flour

2 tsp. of salt


In a small bowl whisk together the first three ingredients. Add the flour and salt and fold it in till it forms a nice soft dough. Divided the dough into two and roll it out between two sheets of plastic wrap.



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