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Meat Substitutes - BBQ Tofu, Gluten or Seitan, BBQ Seitan, Hawaiian BBQ

BBQ Tofu


3 lbs tofu (frozen for 36 hours and then thawed)

4 cups BBQ Sauce


Marinating Sauce:

1 1/2 cups tahini

1 T basil

1 T garlic

1 t salt

3 T liquid aminos

1/4 cup yeast flakes

1 1/2 t paprika

1 cup water

Puree all the ingredients together in a blend, food processor, or by hand till smooth.

Slice the cubes of tofu into eight slices and dip each slice into the sauce. Place the slices onto a oiled cookie sheet and then bake for 20 min at 350 F or until the corners are brown and firm.


BBQ Sauce:

2 T olive oil

3 med Onions diced

1 T crushed garlic

7 1/2 cups tomato puree

1 1/4 cups sucanat

1/2 cup honey

3 T molasses

1 1/2 T salt

3 T parsley

1 1/2 cups lemon juice

6 T liquid aminos

Saute the first three ingredients together till the onions are tender. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer on low for 30 min. In a casserole dish pour two cups of sauce on the bottom. Place half of the tofu slices flat on the bottom. Pour another two cups of sauce ontop and place the other half of the tofu ontop of the sauce. Pour two more cups of sauce ontop of the second layer of tofu. Cover and refigerate. Bake for 30 min prior to serving.



Gluten or Seitan



Gluten is prepared from the protein in wheat by washing all the starch out. This can be done at home with a ball of dough but gluten flour can be purchased in most health food stores which makes it a whole lot easier. When prepared right gluten takes a meat like texture and will absorb what every flavor is is soaked in. Preparation is a bit time consuming since the gluten must first be boiled and then baked. The texture can be altered by several factors and the addition of ingredients like beans and or tofu.



BBQ Seitan


6 cups gluten pieces

1/2 cup soy sauce or braggs

1/4 cup sucanat

1 clove garlic

1/4 tsp dry ginger

2 tsp. sesame oil or tahini

Place the gluten into a bowl and pour the other ingredients on top. Toss well and marinate for eight hours. To quick marinate place the gluten into the oven in a glass baking dish and baked at 300ËšF for 30 minutes. The gluten can then be dipped in bbq sauce spread out on a cookie sheet or placed on skewers and broiled in the oven for 5 minutes.



Hawaiian BBQ


Saute peppers, onions and tomatoes together add some pineapple and season with salt and basil. Mix them with the bbq gluten pieces and add some bbq sauce.


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