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The idea for ADvindicate came when founder Shane Hilde observed a significant gap between what the Adventist Review offers and what self-supporting publications Adventist Today and Spectrum Magazine offer. The Adventist Review appeared incapable of dealing with controversial issues due to church-associated politics, and the other two publications were antagonistic toward fundamental Adventist beliefs. 

Amazing Discoveries 


Amazing Discoveries™ is a registered non-profit organization in Canada and the US (501c3) committed to exposing deceptions and errors in the religious realm, history, science, media, and health. We accomplish this mission through seminars around the world, as well as through publications and broadcasting via internet, radio, and television. Our material attempts to provide life-changing information and to reveal evidence that allows people to make better decisions for their lives.

Audio Verse 

AudioVerse is an online collection of thousands of Bible-based media content that is available for anyone in the world to stream and download for free.  This ministry has a global reach that impacts thousands of individuals every single day.  AudioVerse is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States of America.

Amazing Facts 


Amazing Facts Ministry is a ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 to the entire world through television, radio, literature, live Bible and prophecy events, the internet, and evangelism.



Online Bible

  • Highlight/underline verses.

  • Control font size and Bible text formatting.

  • Click on a NET word to do a word study.

  • The most current NET New Testament and Notes, complete with much better Strong's Tagging

  • More Primary Parallel Translation.

Ellen G. White Estates 


The Ellen G. White® Estate, Incorporated, is an organization created by the last will and testament of Ellen G. White to act as her agent in the custody of her writings, handling her properties, "conducting the business thereof," "securing the printing of new translations," and the "printing of compilations from my manuscripts." 



GraceLink is a 12-year curriculum comprising 624 lessons, all of which are firmly grounded in Scripture. Most lessons are story-based, some on scriptural references that teach a specific doctrine. Each story has been selected to develop one of the four dynamics of the GraceLink series: grace, worship, community, and service.



The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal is the official hymnal of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is widely used by English-speaking Adventist congregations. It consists of words and music to 695 hymns including traditional favorites from the earlier Church Hymnal that it replaced, American folk hymns, modern gospel songs, compositions by Adventists, contemporary hymns, and 224 congregational responsive Scripture readings.

Hope Channel 


The official television network of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hope Channel offers programs on wholistic Christian living and focuses of faith, health, relationships, and community. It’s television that will change your life! We produce more than 95 percent of our programs and reach not only across the United States and Canada, but also other countries.

Sabbath School Quarterly 


The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides (once called Sabbath School Lessons) are prepared by the Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Secrets Unsealed 


Secrets Unsealed is an officially incorporated non-profit organization which is committed to upholding, proclaiming and multiplying the unique end-time Present Truth message which God has entrusted to the Seventh-day Adventist Church to proclaim to the world. Ever conscious of the sacredness of God’s holy truth, we hold high and without apology or compromise all the fundamental teachings of the Bible as well as the distinctive beliefs of our beloved Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Three Angels Broadcasting Network 


Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) is the “Mending Broken People Network,” a 24-hour Christian television and radio network. 3ABN’s focus is to present programming which will reach people right where they are hurting. 3ABN offers divorce recovery programs, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, cooking and health programs, stop smoking and weight loss, programs that deal with children and family issues, organic gardening, natural home remedies, gospel music programs, as well as a variety of inspirational themes from the Bible for children and adults.

Voice of Prophecy 


The Voice Of Prophecy is a long-running Seventh-day Adventist religious radio broadcast founded in 1929 by H.M.S. Richards, Sr.. Initially aired on a single radio station in Los Angeles it has since grown to numerous stations throughout the United States and Canada . It was one of the first religious programs in the United States to broadcast nationally.

          1234 East 87th Street

           Brooklyn, N.Y, 11236

(718) 619-8939


Sabbath School 9:15am

Divine Service: 11:00am

Bible Class: 4:00pm

Adventist Youth: 5:30pm

Prayer Meeting: Wed - 7:30pm

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