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8 Laws of Health - Sunlight

Human beings, like plants, need adequate sunlight. If the windows were freed from blinds and heavy curtains, and the air and sun permitted to enter the darkened rooms, there would be seen a change for the better in the mental and physical health. The pure air would have an invigorating influence, and the sun that carries healing in its beams would soothe and cheer, and make one happy, joyous and healthy.


Trees and shrubbery too close around a house are unhealthful; for they prevent a free circulation of air, and prevent the sun rays from shining through sufficiently. In consequence of this a dampness gathers in the house, which may cause rheumatism, neuralgia and lung complaints.



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2010 - present

2010 - present

          1234 East 87th Street

           Brooklyn, N.Y, 11236

(718) 619-8939


Sabbath School 9:15am

Divine Service: 11:00am

Bible Class: 4:00pm

Adventist Youth: 5:30pm

Prayer Meeting: Wed - 7:30pm

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