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There should not be a great variety at any one meal, for this encourages overeating, and causes indigestion.


It is not well to eat fruit and vegetables at the same meal. If the digestion is feeble, the use of both will often cause distress, and inability to put forth mental effort. It is better to have the fruit at one meal, and the vegetables at another.The meals should be varied. The same dishes, prepared in the same way, should not appear on the table meal after meal and day after day. The meals are eaten with greater relish, and the system is better nourished, when food is varied.





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2010 - present

2010 - present

          1234 East 87th Street

           Brooklyn, N.Y, 11236

(718) 619-8939


Sabbath School 9:15am

Divine Service: 11:00am

Bible Class: 4:00pm

Adventist Youth: 5:30pm

Prayer Meeting: Wed - 7:30pm

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